
Showing posts from May, 2023

Week 2 day 14

 Today was our last day and we finished our book. We only worked a hour. And we vibes our book together. It looked very nice but i with the burning looked a little cooler. Can’t win the all though. Anyway very happy to be done with the whole thing and see the idea coming together. Here we come express fest. Our total project hours are at 55 hours. 

Week 2 day 13

 Today is day 13. Today we worked on our book. We started and pretty much finished our page for the Bulkhead. Lola and Bean did their parts in the writing. I did the writing topo map which was different from the others. Our book is getting binded together and we are finishing final touches. We did 2.5 hours and we 56 hours. I’m excited to be done. 

Week 2 reflection

  Kelby Whitehead Hiking in New Hampshire Kelly Griffin-Brown May 21, 2023  Week 2 reflection           Our week as been almost spot on with timing and planning other then throwing another hike in, in our own proctor woods. This is week was very similar to last week with our schedule. We completed Mt Kersarge, Smith Pond and Bulk Head. We hiked these three mountains on Monday, Thursday and Friday. Our book is moving smoothly with next week only having to complete one more page and final touches on the book timing is looking perfect. I’m excited to show the community what we have been working on although I’m sad it’s coming to an end.           Mt Kersarge was a very fun hike and we had a few other groups join us for the adventure. The drive up was beautiful and the day we did it was perfect. The green trees we perfectly lined up the road into the state park. There was even a pla...

Day 12 week 2

  Day 12. Today we went to campus to work on our book. We completed our fourth page for Mt Kersarge. We filled our template and filled the theme of our book to make it look aesthetically pleasing. We are moving along well.  I did the topo map again by hand. We are planning on completing our page for bulkhead on Monday and Tuesday for final touches. Over all we spent 2.5 in total we are at 53.5. I’m excited we finished our hikes and ready for next weeks fun to began and preset our project.  

Day 11 week 2

 Day 11. Today we woke up bright and early and decided to hike in our own woods. We hiked up the bulkhead and I’ll be honest it I was not having it. Once we made it to the top however it wasn’t bad. The only memory I have with this bike is hiking it sophomore year with mac house and Kyle. It was a haul and I was scared to do it again, but it felt like a closing Verona on my proctor career with a full circle moment. So I’m happy we did. In total it took us 6 hours and our total is 51 for the project. We will finish pages for both hikes from here on out and final touches on our book. 

Day 10 week 2

  Day 10. Today we woke up bright and early and made it to the trailhead of my Kersarge. We met up with the trash group and with grace for a joint hike. It was a pretty hard hike but not super long we made it up in about two but hung out at the top for a while. We went in fire tower and met a man named Ron. He worked at the top and looked for fires. He saw a brush fire but showed us how he calls it in and how he knows exactly where it is. It’s very intercut but very cool. We also sat up there to get out of the wind. Tmr we will hike we aren’t sure where yet but it won’t be a crazy long one. It took us 6 hours leaving us at 45 hours total for our project.  

Day 9 week 2

  Day 9. Today we went to campus bright and early to finish our third page. We woke up at 6:30 and were at campus at 7:30 because Bean had faculty meeting. We added stickers and finished designs and I finished the topo map by adding our photos. We also begun planning doing one more hike because we think we could get like the Bulkhead in on Friday and make a page for it. So we talked about how we would squeeze that in. We also started created a table of contents as well as printing out page numbers. By doing this it brought the whole book together and I really like how it looks. Tomorrow we Hike Kearsarge and I’m very excited. We worked for 2.5 hours leaving our project at 39 hours in total.  

Day 8 week 2

  Day 8. Today we went into Handover. As we ordered breakfast we began to work. We worked on typing up our hike from Monday. Although it was a way easier hike still took us the same amount of time. We followed our template exactly and printed out our writing. We didn’t get to our design today but we are going to finish it tmr at school. Bean has factually meeting tomorrow morning so we can start after that bright and early. We worked for five hours today making us at 36.5 total in our project. (We added wrong yesterday)  

Day 7 week 2

  Day 7 or week two day one, today was a hiker day. We woke up and went straight to the Smith Pond Trail head. The hike was a total of 4.8 miles and was a nice hike. The hike was very easy and pretty much flat for the first half. The second half was a little more elevation gain. The hike was harder to follow than some others we have done because there were lots of leaves on the ground. The trail had lots of roost and rocks poking out which made us trip a lot. Over all I think one of our easiest ones but still took us 6 hours round trip Like the others. We were moving a little slow today. Our project is at at total of 32.5 hours  

Week one reflection

  Kelby Whitehead Hiking in New Hampshire Kelly Griffin-Brown May 14th, 2023  Week 1 Reflection  This week has been a whorl of events in our hikes. We are exactly where we want to be in our project right now with two hikes done and two pages completed. At  the beginning of the week we started this with a plan to do four hikes and two pages which took up all our hours. We completed the Cardigan Hike and Hi-Cannon trail. Both were hard in their own ways but different in what we say on the way up.  Cardigan Hike was very straightforward with few forks in the trail. We saw way more families on this hike and have decided it was a family familiar hike. Although the top is bare with large flat rocks, it is quite steep. I was definitely sweating towards the top. Before you get to the top however it is a gradual hike and has lots of roots and wood steps for solid foot holds. The top was crazy windy but once we got up there we hid from the wind, by the fire tower. We late...

Day 6

 Today we went to campus and completed what we didn’t do yesterday. We added final touches on our 2nd page and glued it all in place. We also added pictures to the topo map page. We spent about a hour today before bean and I had to leave for jv tennis. We might have to change our hike for money because we realized it’s a far drive. So we definitely need to plan that. We our at a total of 25.5 hours. 

Day five

 Today we worked on our book in the library. After our strenuous hike yesterday we had a chill day working on the book. We completes all the writing and decorations of page two. We worked on it for a total of five hours and it looks just as good as the first page. We followed the theme of the first page and they go well with each other. It took me a lot longer to hand draw the topo map today because there were more lines because the elevation was more. Tomorrow we have to add a few more decorations like pictures and such and then we will be done with page two fully. We are at 24.5 hours on our project moving at a perfect pace. 

Day four. Hiked Hi-Cannon

  Day four was our biggest hike yet. Today we woke up bright and early for a massive trek un Hi-Cannon. Before heading out we were told by multiple people to being warm layers and be prepared for snow. Hearing this we were nervous and prepared to have to turn around if it got too bad. The hike was pretty much straight up and ended up being 6 miles long. I was definitely breaking a sweat but the view made it well worth it. It took us 6 hours round trip because we took our time going down due to the fact it was almost rock climbing in the way up. Our total hours for our project is at 19.5 after todays journey. Overall I really like the hike but we are a little tired.  

Day 3 book work

  Today was a very productive day and we finished our first page! We woke up got some coffee on the way to school and worked in the library for 2 and a half hours. We made our cover page and typed up our first page. I traced the topo map in notability but that didn’t work so I ended up hand tracing the map for the back side of our first page. We did most of our typing and planning yesterday but today we got to do the fun part. We put cute little stickers on our pages and picked out colored paper. We also printed out pictures I took from the hike on Monday and put them in our book. Which wasn’t the original plan but it added a nice touch.  

Day 2 book work

 Today was a very relaxing but productive day. For the first 3 hours of our work day we just decided to work through our idea of the outline of the book. We sat for a while planning it out on a google doc as well as bouncing ideas off each other on exactly how we are going to construct our book. With everything from the way we are binding our book and to the little things like decoration on the cover. Then we had a lunch break. The last 2 hours of the day we started typing what our day one map page will look like. Although we completed a fair amount we still have more work todo tomorrow.

Hiking in New Hampshire

  Today we started with a hike at Cardigan Mt. We woke up at 7:30 and we got to the trail head at 8 am. We took 2 hours to get up and around 2 hours at the top. At the top we ate some snacks and drank some water. We also explored the top all over the flat rocks. We also went up into the lookout tower and talked to the guys working up there. They told us land marks like cardigan mt schools campus and Kearsarg which we are hiking next week. We stayed up there for a while but with the wind gust we had to head down. The hike was pretty gradual incline but towards the top it was straight up so definitely gave us a sweat. We took about two hours getting down making sure we had everything we need to write our book. Our total hours for the day were 6 hours not including the drive or meals.