Week one reflection

 Kelby Whitehead

Hiking in New Hampshire

Kelly Griffin-Brown

May 14th, 2023 

Week 1 Reflection 

This week has been a whorl of events in our hikes. We are exactly where we want to be in our project right now with two hikes done and two pages completed. At  the beginning of the week we started this with a plan to do four hikes and two pages which took up all our hours. We completed the Cardigan Hike and Hi-Cannon trail. Both were hard in their own ways but different in what we say on the way up. 

Cardigan Hike was very straightforward with few forks in the trail. We saw way more families on this hike and have decided it was a family familiar hike. Although the top is bare with large flat rocks, it is quite steep. I was definitely sweating towards the top. Before you get to the top however it is a gradual hike and has lots of roots and wood steps for solid foot holds. The top was crazy windy but once we got up there we hid from the wind, by the fire tower. We later realized we were allowed to go up the tower. We talked to three men that worked there and they told us about what they do up there and landmarks. It was very cool to see everything from up high, and it gave us a nice escape from the wind. 

The second hike we did was Hi-Cannon trail. This was a tough one for the whole group, but well worth it when we reached the top after 3+ hours of hiking. On the way up I rolled my ankle and was having a hard time getting up the straight up rock climbing incline we faced. I knew it would be well worth it, so I pushed through and I'm glad we did. We did however have a hard time finding the trail-head, so we had to ask a nice man that helped us. We took our time going down because our group was tired and it wasn’t easy. But once we got some brownies from the night before in the car, smiles came back real quick. I'm very excited for next week and we might change our schedule around because we want to do more hikes, but it should be pretty similar to this week. 


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